miercuri, 3 iulie 2013


Cum îi explici unui englez ce înseamnă denumirea unui oras din Romania...

Pentru cei care stapanesc excelent, deopotriva, limbile romana si engleza!

Urlaţi - Gimme Some Noise
Ciorogarla - Nigger River
Constanţa - The Steadiness
Afumaţi - Neversober
Slobozia - A Very Wrong Local Tradition
Călăraşi - Silly-dressed Folks on Horses
Piteşti - Youdohide
Oneşti - The Sincere
Huşi - Shoo!
Buhuşi - Boo!
Satu-Mare - The Rather Roomy Rural Community
Slatina - Slut Tina
Baicoi - Hey, Ball!
Târgu Frumos - The Aesthetically Pleasing Bazaar
Buzău - Really Fat Lip
Năvodari - Networkers
Dor Mărunt - Miniature Melancholy
Voluntari - Town of Unpaid Assistants
Domnesti - You the king!
Bucuresti - Is like having fun, but no one has in fact.
Caldarusani - Bucketeers
Ploiesti - Rainman
Negru Voda - Darth Vader
Vanju Mare - Cannot be translated but is very popular among girls.
Viseul de Sus - Uptown Restroom
Botosani - Everybody gives head
Piatra Neamt - German stone
Alba Iulia - White Julia
Fetesti - Girly town
Otelul Rosu - Russian steel
Negresti - Ghetto
Budesti - Shitting place
Eforie - Drugs allowed
Fundulea - Everybody loves anal
Baia Mare - Very big bathtub
Campulung - A very long field
Portile de Fier - Iron Gates (sooo Lord of the Rings)
Dragomiresti - Lots of Dragomirs
Vaslui - Pot his