Wath is life? I think is just a way, a key to the universe, its something ….i don’t know , perhapse im dreaming right know…I mean, who knows? It is posibile to find all the answer for this journey called “life”. Why haze a beginning and an end? Why sometimes its good and ather time its bad? Why sometimes we love it , and after , whe hate it? It is normal for us to change this impression so quick? It is good or bad? It is right or wrong? Heavently or demonic? What about destiny ? Can we change this? Can we make it moore lightening? Or can we trust in him? The next minute of my life represent destiny? What about the past? It is also destiny ? God why I have so many question’s? Wath for? I realize im not aloud to know the answeer ….not yet. But I have bad moments two , and im wick cuz im human, I have all right to be like this , pls forgive me God if I have moment’s like this one. Im conscient that tomorrow its gonna be better. I was wondering if tomorrow its gonna be a sunny day . Im sick or raining , I mean bought situation’s.
From along time ago , I was thinking that…..i tried to find an explications for bad luck but…nothing. And know again a question for you God: did I deserve that? I mean I did something so bad to deserve all this brain spat’s? They are white spat’s. Between this , I have black spat’s , called bad memories . Well I don’t wanna know about my past , I wanna be sure that one day im gonna see the light of Your eyes , the shinning of Your smile, hear Your voice like a nature song, feel Your breathing like a springsummer wind…God , tell me im not crazy. Give me power to go on. Rise me in my feet when im gonna feel wickness. Give me courage every time when fear comes around me. Bring me joy when sadness killing me!
Thank you God! Now tell me:
What is life?
Somebody know the answer of this question?
The answer it is in every of us, we just haf to find the entrance, a door , but for that we need a key. And the only key who’s ficksed its love.Because love its moore powerfull then everything on this Earth. An old and dark planet. Intoxicated by us .So many years ago our planet was rich and beautiful….now…now is alone with six miliarde people …I hope that is a nightmare and when I wake up Im gonna see a beautiful blue sea, a beautiful green forest, im gonna see my family younger , im gonna feel the air so fresh and clean. Its gonna be like was at the beginning of the Earth. A place named Eden.And I never gonnna let the snake to give me that apple…that red and beautiful apple….
ceau, în legătură cu mesaju lăsat la mine pe blog cu botinele
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